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    Home EXERCISES Learn On “How To Do Standing Cable Fly Exercise” Properly Video Guide

    Learn On “How To Do Standing Cable Fly Exercise” Properly Video Guide

    Standing cable flys exercises won’t exhaust you like squats or lunges, and they won’t shame you like pull-ups. They’re dessert after a tough workout, a little shot of ego gratification after you’ve dutifully swallowed all your veggies and vitamins.

    They’ll give you a pump in your chest muscles — arguably the showiest of all — while letting you strike a bodybuilding pose in public without risking ridicule.

    Cable chest flys are also a great way to work your pectoral muscles while sparing your joints. “One of the main functions of the chest muscles is to adduct your arm across your body,” says specialist Bigflex Dogg. “That’s exactly what the cable chest fly does. This is a great option for those who experience discomfort in their joints during the bench press.”

    Standing Cable Fly Overview

    The standing cable fly is a variation of the chest fly and an exercise used to strengthen the pushing muscles of the body including the chest, triceps, and shoulders.

    The standing cable fly can be tough to overload as it requires a great deal of core stability, so it is probably best used as an accessory movement for those looking to increase their chest muscle mass.

    This movement can be included into your chest workouts, push workouts, upper body workouts, or full-body workouts.

    Standing Cable Fly Instructions

    1. Set both pulleys directly at (or slightly above) shoulder height and select the desired weight.
    2. Grasp both handles with a neutral grip and take a step forward to split the stance.
    3. Press the handles to lockout while flexing the pecs and extending the elbows.
    4. Keep a slight bend in the elbows, move entirely at the shoulder joint, and slowly allow the arms to open while the pecs stretch.
    5. Return to the starting position by flexing your pecs and bringing the handles together at chest height.
    6. Slowly lower back to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

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    Standing Cable Fly Tips

    1. Imagine you’re trying to hug a tree while completing the exercise.
    2. Don’t squeeze the handles excessively tight as this can over recruit the forearms and biceps thereby reducing activation of the pecs.
    3. Avoid touching or banging the handles together at peak contraction to keep constant tension on the intended muscle groups.
    4. Always keep a slight bend in the elbows and never lower the weight to the point where you get any sort of pain and pressure at the front of the shoulder joint.
    5. Ensure you maintain some tension in your abs and don’t allow your lower back to arch excessively.

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