Body Somatotypes: Understanding “Endomorph, Ectomorph, and Mesomorph”. Comparison Between “Endomorph, Ectomorph, and Mesomorph”

The concept of body somatotypes, also known as body types, was first introduced by American psychologist William H. Sheldon in the 1940s. Sheldon proposed that there are three main body types: endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph.

Each body type is associated with a particular set of physical characteristics, as well as tendencies for certain behaviors and psychological traits.

While the concept of body somatotypes has been criticized for its lack of scientific rigor, it remains a popular topic of discussion in the fitness and health industries. Many people believe that understanding their own body type can help them to develop more effective exercise and nutrition plans.

In this article, “we will take a comprehensive look at the three body somatotypes: endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph. We will discuss the physical characteristics, behavioral tendencies, and psychological traits associated with each body type”. We will also provide specific exercise and nutrition recommendations for each body type.

Have you ever wondered about the different types of bodies humans have? Despite having the same organs and anatomy, humans don’t have the same body types. Human bodies are broadly categorized into three main types – Endomorph, Ectomorph, and Mesomorph. As these three types have their specific definition, no one human being is a classic example of one particular type. Instead, they are a combination of either two or all three. This article will throw more light on these three types of human bodies.

These body types are also called somatotypes. Let’s understand them in detail, with a few recommended solutions and comparing each body type.


If you find it too challenging to shred fat and can gain weight quickly, you must have an endomorphic body type. These kinds of bodies are mostly round and more on the heavier side. Due to a slower metabolism, these people appear a bit stockier. Their body type is solid and usually soft. Although these people are naturally fit and strong, they are short and wider.

If you are considering a good diet for endomorphs, it is recommended you restrict calorie intake from carbs to 30% of your total intake. And remaining 70% is to be distributed between proteins and good fats. “In addition, cardio exercises and HIIT are the best workouts for these people to enhance metabolism and stop calories from turning fat”.


Usually, skinny people or those with thin bodies are considered ectomorphs. With a faster metabolism, these people can burn calories very fast. They are characterized mainly by a flat chest, thin and less broad shoulders, and long limbs. Furthermore, they have lean muscles and small joints. As a result, most of them find it difficult to gain weight and are also known as hard gainers.

A good diet for ectomorphs can be one where the maximum calories come from carbs, and if muscle building is the target, then a minimum of 25% should come from proteins. While you think of a workout routine for ectomorphs, they can opt for HIIT and proper nutrition to build strong muscles.


This type of body lies between the above two types, i.e., endomorph and ectomorph. Mesomorphs are relatively muscular and naturally strong. This body type is somewhat rectangular in shape. These people tend to have a narrow waist, wide shoulders, round muscles, and relatively thin joints. Mesomorphs can quickly gain or lose weight; hence, this body type is considered the best for bodybuilding.

These people must focus on a protein-based diet to build and repair muscles. Although they can eat anything they like, they need to be careful about gaining excess weight. They have to consume more vegetables and fruits that are rich in antioxidants, along with whole grains. The best pattern in workouts is alternating between weights and cardio.

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Comparison Between Endomorph, Ectomorph, and Mesomorph

Now that we have understood these three body types, we will compare them based on the following factors.

Endomorphs and mesomorphs find it easy to gain fats from the food they eat, whereas ectomorphs find it difficult to gain fat.

Similar to gaining fat, ectomorphs also find it challenging to gain muscle mass. On the other hand, mesomorphs and endomorphs tend to gain weight and muscle quickly.

If you compare metabolism, it is normal in mesomorphs. However, endomorphs have a slower metabolism; on the contrary, ectomorphs have a faster metabolism.

When we compare the muscles in these somatotypes, endomorphs have more muscles. Mesomorphs tend to have well-defined muscles, whereas ectomorphs have lean muscles.

While comparing limbs in these body types, it is said that ectomorphs have longer limbs among all. Conversely, endomorphs have shorter limbs, and mesomorphs have somewhat long limbs.

The comparison of an overall body tells us that ectomorphs tend to have thin bodies, mesomorphs have rectangular-shaped bodies, and endomorphs have short, muscular bodies.

So if you are considering bodybuilding as a career, you must understand these three body types. Even for others, knowing these types is always better health-wise“.

Wrapping Up 

While body types provide a general framework for understanding body composition, it’s important to remember that individuals within each body type can exhibit variations. Genetics, lifestyle, and personal preferences all play a role in shaping one’s physique.

“The key to achieving your fitness goals lies in understanding your unique body type and tailoring your exercise and nutrition plan accordingly”. By working with a qualified fitness professional and registered dietitian, you can develop a personalized approach that optimizes your results and helps you reach your full potential.

Remember, consistency and dedication are essential for achieving long-term fitness success. “Embrace your body type, work with its strengths, and make adjustments as needed. With the right approach, you can achieve your desired physique and cultivate a healthy lifestyle that supports your overall well-being.

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