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    Home WORKOUTS Maximize Your Glute Gains With “The Best Women’s 3-Day Glute Building Workout”...

    Maximize Your Glute Gains With “The Best Women’s 3-Day Glute Building Workout” Ever Existed

    No matter what workout you’re doing in the gym or even at home, odds are your glutes are involved. (Even if just a little bit!)

    Basically, your backside plays a major role in your body’s overall strength levels—which means you should definitely know all the best butt exercises to incorporate into your workout routine for keeping that big muscle strong. (Yep, the glutes are actually one of the largest muscle groups in the body.)

    In case you missed it, “all sports and fitness activities can benefit tremendously from strong glutes. For example, our glutes aid in our ability to hinge and squat, keeping us in a pattern of safe, secure movement while we exercise. Strong glutes also mean strong back and pelvic stability, helping to minimize lower back discomfort throughout the day”.

    Simple activities such as walking, hiking, and going up and down the stairs all incorporate the glutes, too, and being able to use your butt muscles while carrying out these activities make movement overall so much easier and injury-free. (Meaning: no more pain or aches as you climb up the basement steps or chase your kiddos around the park.) Plus, strong glutes can also make you a better runner—and even help you avoid knee injuries.

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    Now that you’re all up-to-date when it comes to glute strength, “it’s time to get into specifics. The following are the best butt exercises to add to your workout routine this week. These exercises are worth incorporating into your lower-body days or string them together as a DIY glutes workout.

    This full-body plan will help maximize your glute gains and get you in great shape. Two accessory workouts are also included that will fire up your glute growth!

     Workout Description

    Getting in a solid training session can be hard. Making time to go to the gym five or six days a week can be very difficult for many people. There are jobs, family, and other commitments that have to be considered.

    Even if you can get in three workouts a week, there are some areas that you want to focus on more than others. For most women, the glutes are one of those muscle groups. Fortunately, this 3-day program allows the ladies reading this to train the entire body effectively. It also offers ample opportunity to maximize the potential of those glutes.

    Prioritization Of The Glutes

    What makes these workouts so effective for this area is that you will be focusing on them at the beginning of each session. Training them first in these workouts allows you to focus on them when your motivation is highest and you have the most energy to commit. The exercises that are included will help you make the glutes look better and be stronger. Hard to beat that combination, right?

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    Keys To This Program

    The workouts below will offer rest periods. “The glute-focused movements will have an option to rest a little longer if needed”. If you stick to these rest periods, you should be able to complete all three workouts in one hour each.

    There are no machine movements included in this program making it extremely versatile. “No matter where you work out, whether that’s at home or at the gym, you’ll be able to complete this program with little to no modifications depending on your equipment”.

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    Take at least 24 hours in between each workout to recover properly. Training with full-body workouts isn’t the same as a traditional “bro-split.” Since the entire body is being challenged, more recovery time would be beneficial.

    Accessory Workouts

    The two accessory workouts included are short by design. “They should be performed on a day that you do cardio only or an off day if you feel you need them. If you decide the full-body workouts are enough, then don’t worry about completing the accessory work”. Focus on recovery instead.

    Related Articles: A Fitness Expert Mentions “The Best Glutes Exercises” For A Better Butt

    One workout is a high rep challenge while the other is a superset. “If you like one more than the other, do it twice. If you want to alternate each session, you can do that too. Make the workouts yours so you can maximize your potential”. Just make sure you take two complete days off of training per week.

    Below are example schedules based on training level.

    Example Week – Beginner

    • Monday: Workout 1
    • Tuesday: Off
    • Wednesday: Workout 2
    • Thursday: Off
    • Friday: Workout 3
    • Saturday: Off
    • Sunday: Off

    Example Week – Intermediate/Advanced

    • Monday: Workout 1
    • Tuesday: Off or Accessory Workout 1
    • Wednesday: Workout 2
    • Thursday: Off or Accessory Workout 2
    • Friday: Workout 3
    • Saturday: Off
    • Sunday: Off

    Full-Body Workout 1

    The first two movements for this session are the barbell hip thrust and the hyperextension. These are two very effective movements if they are done properly.

    Barbell Hip Thrust – Make sure the barbell is in a position that you’re comfortable with. If you need a towel or mat around the bar, don’t be afraid to use it. The more comfortable you can be, the more beneficial the exercise is. When you lift the barbell up, make sure the glutes contract hard. Hold that position before slowly lowering the weight back down.

     Related Articles: Glutes Development: The Best “Hamstring Exercises” To Build Power, Muscle, And Health

    Hyperextension – This is considered by many to be a lower back exercise. If you stop when your upper body is at a 45-degree angle, then it will isolate the lower back. Raise your upper body up, and then contract the glutes so the upper body comes up even more. Your torso should be close to vertical before you lower yourself back down. If you don’t have a hyperextension bench, a preacher bench or adjustable bench would work as well.

    The rest of the workout includes one core movement as well as movements for the rest of the body.

    Exercise Sets Reps Rest
    Barbell Hip Thrust 3 8-12 60-90 sec
    Hyperextension 3 8-12 60-90 sec
    Dumbbell Squat 3 12 60 sec
    Lying Leg Raise 3 12 60 sec
    Pull Up 3 12 60 sec
    Bent-Over Barbell Row 3 12 60 sec
    Lateral Raise 3 12 60 sec
    Overhead Triceps Extension 3 12 60 sec
    Push Up 3 12 60 sec

    Full-Body Workout 2

    This one will begin with two different glute exercises. The first one is going to help you get stronger while the other will maximize the mind-muscle connection.

    Good Morning – This will benefit the glutes as well as the hamstrings and lower back. Don’t go super-heavy on it. There has never been a good morning competition, so more isn’t necessarily better. If you can’t handle the weight for the minimum reps, lighten the load. Wear a belt if you feel it will help protect your lower back.

     Related Articles: The Best Hips, Glutes And Hamstrings Exercise: “The Stiff-Legged Deadlifts”

    Glute Kickback – This is the bodyweight version of the exercise. If you have ankle weights, add them to increase resistance. If not, hold the contraction at the top for one second during the first set, two during the second set, and three for the last.

    The next two movements in this program will also train the glutes in a secondary role. The rest of the workout is below.

    Exercise Sets Reps Rest
    Good Morning 3 8-12 60-90 sec
    Glute Kick Back 3 8-12 60-90 sec
    Stiff Leg Deadlift 3 8-12 60-90 sec
    Goblet Squat 3 12 60 sec
    Crunches 3 12 60 sec
    Incline Dumbbell Press 3 12 60 sec
    Dumbbell Flys 3 12 60 sec
    Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks 3 12 60 sec
    Pullover 3 12 60 sec
    Seated Dumbbell Curl 3 12 60 sec

    Full-Body Workout 3

    The final full-body workout of the week will begin with a contraction challenge followed by an athletic version of a classic exercise.

    Bodyweight Glute Bridge – Much like planks for abs, holding a bridge will help improve stability in the glutes. If you need to start with your body weight alone, that is fine. If you can add a dumbbell or barbell to make the challenge more interesting, go for it.

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    Curtsy Lunge – If you haven’t done these before, they may appear silly. Don’t knock them until you try them. They are challenging and will be even more so after the glutes had been pre-exhausted by the bridges. “Don’t attempt to set the back foot further than you’re capable. Do the best you can, and challenge yourself as you progress. Think about contracting the glutes when you bring the leg up”. Concentrate hard so the hip flexors don’t dominate the set.

    The next two exercises are lower-body focused. “With the glutes being challenged in the first two movements, the quads and hamstrings will likely be able to work harder on their own”.

    Exercise Sets Reps Rest
    Bodyweight Glute Bridge 3 15-30 sec 60-90 sec
    Curtsy Lunge 3 12 60-90 sec
    Jump Squat 3 12 60 sec
    Walking Lunge 3 12, each leg 60 sec
    Side Crunch 3 12 60 sec
    Seated Dumbbell Press 3 12 60 sec
    Rear Lateral Raise 3 12 60 sec
    Lying Tricep Extension 3 12 60 sec
    Flat Dumbbell Fly 3 12 60 sec
    T-Bar Row (or Two-Arm DB Row) 3 12 60 sec

    Accessory Workout 1

    Exercise Sets Reps Rest
    Bodyweight Glute Bridge 5 20 30 sec
    Bodyweight Hip Thrust 5-10 100 total reps As needed*

    *Perform as many reps as you can. Upon failure, rest briefly before continuing where you left off. Continue until you perform 100 total reps.

    Accessory Workout 2

    Exercise Sets Reps Rest
    Curtsy Lunge 3 15 none
    Banded Good Morning* 3 15 30 sec

    *If you don’t have access to a band, you can use your bodyweight, a dumbbell, or a barbell.

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