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    Home TRAINING “Know-How Of CrossFit WODs For Beginners” – Ultimate Beginners Guide: Complete

    “Know-How Of CrossFit WODs For Beginners” – Ultimate Beginners Guide: Complete

    CrossFit training is one of the most popular fitness trends because it is inclusive of people with all fitness levels. For beginners, CrossFit may seem intimidating at first. But this is far from the truth. Like all the other fitness or sports activities, you will have to try CrossFit to know how simple yet effective it can be.

    CrossFit training routines strive to build strength while conditioning your body. The workouts are challenging and test various aspects of your functional strength as well. CrossFit requires minimal equipment and is suitable for people of all ages.

    As a beginner, you must initiate with basic exercises using supportive CrossFit equipment and focus entirely on not sacrificing your form during any workout. To learn proper methods of CrossFit exercises, follow CrossFit WODs for beginners. The best part about this training schedule is that you can always scale the workouts according to your fitness capabilities to avoid overstraining your body.

    Keeping this in mind – Here’s a list of 9 basic CrossFit routines for you to get started.

    1. 10 to 1 Countdown WOD – This is one of the most basic CrossFit workouts. In the first set, perform ten kettlebell swings and ten dumbbell thrusters taking moderate weights. Follow this from round 10 to 1 of both exercises.
    2. 50 Burpees – Feet shoulder-width apart, lower into a squat. Hands to the floor, spring your legs back into a push-up. Lower chest and thighs, then bring your feet towards your hands and jump high. Maintain this form in all 50 burpees and progress towards taking lesser time to finish each consecutive session.
    3. 400M sprint then 50 squats – Intend to achieve four rounds of the entire set in as little time as possible. Make sure you maintain the form of your squats.
    4. Ten rounds each of Squats, Press-ups, and Sit-ups – This CrossFit WOD aims to increase the number of sets you complete in five minutes. Take breathers whenever required and, maintain a steady breath.
    5. Squats, Pull-ups, Presses, and a Run – In this CrossFit exercise routine, you perform twelve barbell squats, ten pull-ups, and eight push-presses followed by, a quarter-mile run.  Complete three rounds of each within the limited time.
    6. 800m run, 50 press-ups, 100 squats, 150 sit-ups, 800m run – Follow this in the same order while timing your progress. Work towards reducing the time taken in your next CrossFit training session.
    7. Squats, press-ups, lunges – Carry out 20, 15, and 25 of each, respectively, for 20 minutes. Aim to finish as many sets of each exercise with correct form as feasible.
    8. Rope, Sumos, and Wall Balls – First perform about 100 turns of the jump rope. Then, a countdown from set 10 to 1 of wall balls and sumo deadlift high pulls with barbell each. Finish with another 100 jump rope.
    9. Dumbbell Thrusters and Jump Ropes – Both these CrossFit gym equipment form the basis of a lot of workouts. Perform jump rope, weighted sit-ups, weighted lunges, and dumbbell thrusters. Follow this line-up for 3 minutes with 1-minute rest in-between sets.

    I hope these routines for beginners will help you start your journey into CrossFit safely. The reward is worth the challenge that these routines pose, and your body will be extremely grateful to you. So keep at it. Good luck!

    Author Bio: Sancket Kamdar, a certified weightlifting coach, and a successful entrepreneur founded  SF HealthTech with a single goal in mind – to bring high quality, international standard exercise equipment to help fitness enthusiasts and athletes reach the next level of fitness. When he’s not working on new equipment ideas and designs, he loves to create educational content about health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. He also writes to help budding entrepreneurs on running and growing a business, based on his experience.

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