Strength Training 101: When Is “The Ideal Time” To Increase The Weights You’re Lifting And “How Much Should You Increase”?

Ah, the age-old question for weightlifters: when is it time to bump up the weights? It’s a crucial turning point, signifying progress and the potential for further muscle growth. But increasing weight too soon can lead to plateaus, injuries, or improper form. Conversely, waiting too long can stall your gains. So, how do you find the sweet spot for weight progression?

Strength training is a method of training that helps you increase your muscular strength and build muscle mass and can use many different types of training,’ explains Bigflex Dogg, a strength and conditioning coach. ‘The goal of strength training is to provide a stimulus to the body that requires an adaption response”.

Strength training, like resistance training, uses opposing force to build strength across your body and increase your muscle mass.

For example, resistance training and weight training all fall under the same umbrella of strength training, although “traditional strength training typically relies on isolating muscles one at a time to take them to fatigue”, explains Bigflex Dogg, founder, and trainer at Bigflex Dogg Club.

Strength training for beginners, however, focuses on compound exercises. These are movements that recruit multiple muscle groups until you’ve built enough strength to isolate muscles and work them to their limit.

Strength training and weight training for beginners needn’t be a quagmire of confusion. In fact, it’s a relatively simple way of exercising that uses resistance training in the form of free weights (e.g. dumbbells), fixed weights (e.g. barbells), and machine weights. But you’re not alone if you’re feeling overwhelmed when trying to plan your entry into this way of working out.

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The weight training section of the gym can be daunting, and the same goes if you’re finally dusting off that bit of home gym equipment knocking around the shed and haven’t a scooby about what to use it for.

So, to clear things up, we’ve put together the ultimate strength training and weight training for beginners guide, including the benefits of doing it, and how to make it work for total, brand-new beginners, whether you’re weight training at home or in the gym.

 Strength training is about more than looking great. Lifting heavy weights benefits are numerous. They include boosting your endurance, losing weight, and increasing your bone density, which helps prevent bone loss as you get older.

But strength training can be intimidating. You might wonder, how much weight should I lift to gain muscle? Or, when do I need to increase lifting weight to continue getting stronger?

Whether you’re new to weight lifting or looking to up your muscle mass, keep reading to learn what you need to know about increasing weight during strength training.

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Listening to Your Body: The Ultimate Gauge

The most important factor for increasing weights is how your body responds to your current routine. Here are some key signs to watch for:

  • Effort Level: Are you completing your sets and reps with good form, but the last few reps feel challenging? That’s a good sign you can increase the weight. Conversely, if you’re breezing through your sets with minimal effort, it’s time for a weight bump.
  • Mind-Muscle Connection: Do you feel the targeted muscle group working throughout the exercise? If not, increasing weight might not be the answer. Focus on perfecting your form and maximizing the mind-muscle connection before adding more weight.
  • Form Breakdown: Is your form suffering as you reach the end of your sets? Adding weight will only exacerbate this issue. Prioritize maintaining proper form throughout the entire set.

Rep Ranges and Weight Selection

The ideal weight selection depends on your training goals. Here’s a breakdown for common rep ranges:

  • Hypertrophy (Muscle Building): Aim for a rep range of 6-12 repetitions. This weight should challenge you towards the end of the set, but still allow for proper form.
  • Strength Training: For building raw strength, a rep range of 1-5 repetitions is ideal. You’ll need heavier weights to achieve this range, but prioritize form over ego-lifting.
  • Endurance: If your goal is muscular endurance, shoot for a rep range of 15-20 repetitions. While the weight will be lighter, focus on maintaining proper form and a controlled tempo throughout the entire set.

Progression Strategies: Different Strokes for Different Folks

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach for weight progression. Here are some popular strategies:

  • Linear Progression: This is the simplest method, where you consistently increase the weight by a small increment (e.g., 2.5 lbs for dumbbells, 5 lbs for barbells) after successfully completing your targeted reps and sets for a few workouts (typically 2-4).
  • Microloading: This involves adding even smaller weight increments (e.g., 1.25 lbs for dumbbells) when linear progression stalls. Microloading allows for more gradual progress and helps you stay closer to your true one-rep max (1RM).
  • Wave Periodization: This strategy involves planned fluctuations in weight and volume throughout your training program. For example, you might use a heavier weight for a few weeks, then decrease the weight while increasing the number of sets for a deloading phase. This helps prevent plateaus and overtraining.

Understanding Progressive Overload

In order to figure out when to increase the amount of weight you’re lifting and how much to increase it by, you first need to understand the idea of progressive overload.

Progressive overload is a term used to describe how our muscles need to be stressed to grow.

That’s because each time you put tension on your muscles, they adapt to that tension. In doing so, they strengthen. If you keep putting the same amount of tension on your muscles, they won’t need to adapt, and won’t grow.

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To build muscle, you need to increase the amount of weight you’re lifting. But if you increase too quickly, you risk stressing or straining your muscles, which can cause painful injuries that will also result in a setback in your strength goals”.

Determining whether you are achieving progressive overload is easy; ask yourself whether you feel doms. What are doms? Doms is delayed onset muscle soreness that comes on between 24 hours and 72 hours after a workout.

When doms set in, it means your muscles have been stressed and are strengthening in response to that stress.

 Deciding When To Increase Weight and By How Much

Now that you understand progressive overload and the need to increase the amount of weight you’re lifting, it’s time to determine how much to increase by and when.

Everyone’s body is different. One individual might gain muscle or recover from a workout faster than the next.

“But without a background in physical fitness or athletic training, designing a custom strength training schedule is a challenge”.

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Luckily, there are plenty of plans available that can help you decide on the right weight lifting routine for you. These plans are usually compiled on a weightlifting progression chart.

You can use this chart to determine when you need to increase weight and by how much. Many of these charts also include guidelines on diet, cardio exercise sessions, and more designed to help you reach total body fitness or to increase your strength as fast and effectively as possible.

Some weightlifters choose to skip complicated progression charts altogether. Instead, they rely on their bodies to tell them when a weight feels too easy or comfortable. When that happens, they increase the amount of weight, at regular intervals that don’t feel as though they are overstressing their body.

Mastering Strength Training 101

Now that you understand strength training 101, it’s time to get started on your weight lifting routine.

One great way to increase muscle mass fast is with a home gym. If you don’t have to get out to a gym, you’ll be more likely to stick to your workout plan. Plus, you’ll be able to squeeze in workouts any time during the day, allowing you to build muscle faster.

If you’re ready to start building your home gym, check out our selection of strength equipment today.

Finding Your Progression Sweet Spot

There’s no magic formula for the perfect weight progression rate. It depends on factors like your experience level, training goals, and individual recovery capacity. Generally, beginners can progress faster than experienced lifters. A good starting point might be to increase weight every 1-2 weeks for linear progression or microloading when using the same rep range and sets. However, be flexible and adjust the progression rate based on your body’s feedback.

Additional Tips for Optimal Weight Progression

  • Track Your Workouts: Keeping a workout log allows you to monitor progress and identify areas for improvement. This helps you adjust your weight selection and progression strategy accordingly.
  • Warm-Up Properly: Always warm up your target muscle groups before lifting heavy weights. This prepares your muscles for the workout and helps prevent injuries.
  • Don’t Neglect Proper Form: Ego-lifting with poor form is a recipe for disaster. Focus on maintaining proper form throughout the entire set, even if it means using a slightly lighter weight.
  • Listen to Your Limits: Pushing yourself is important, but there’s a difference between pushing and overtraining. Pay attention to your body’s recovery signals and take rest days when needed.

By listening to your body, choosing the right weight for your goals, and employing a suitable progression strategy, you can effectively increase weights for optimal muscle growth and reach your full fitness potential. Remember, consistency and proper form are key to maximizing your results and avoiding plateaus. Happy lifting!

More About When to Increase Weights for Optimal Muscle Growth Contents

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