The “5 Muscle-Building Foods” You Must Consume Before You Go To Sleep To Recover Fast And Gain Muscle

Contrary to popular belief, most of your improvement doesn’t happen in the gym. Instead, it happens overnight, while you sleep! When you work out,...

Female Fitness Model’s Diet: How To Diet As “Female Fitness Model Diet” Does

Female fitness models have strict diets. It doesn’t require just eating healthy or clean, there are other nuances involved that people tend to forget....

Here Are “The 11 Ways Your Body Is Telling You That You Aren’t Eating Enough Protein”

Fat and carbohydrates go through their ups and downs: demonized one day, lionized another. Protein, however, is consistently lauded for its ability to help all...

The Myth: Does the “Anabolic Window” Really Matter?

Many people believe drinking a protein shake within 30 minutes of exercise will maximize their results in the gym. This 30-minute window, commonly known as...

Training And Muscle Growth Study: Training vs Nutrition To “Maximize Muscle Growth”

Fitness/Bodybuilding sport is split by 80% nutritional and 20% training. it means that we should focus on our diet ( nutrition) more than focusing...

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