3 Reasons Why “Staying Lean For Muscle Growth” Is Smart Move, Especially When We Focus On Health

You already know my stance on this, staying lean for muscle growth makes a ton of sense because you are way more insulin-sensitive and you’re not dealing with aromatization (testosterone converting to estrogen because your body fat is too high).

Let’s look at the facts. You do have to eat extra calories and protein to pack on quality muscle. “But bloating yourself up with a lot of extra pounds of fat and fluid doesn’t just look bad, it hurts your entire health, not to mention not doing a thing for gaining muscle mass. My philosophy is that you can get just as BIG as the guys that are porking out, without overeating. That means you can stay leaner and healthier, not to mention look better, year-round.

I mean, who wants to look like a porker for 9 months out of the year? I want to be able to proudly display the results of my training efforts when I have to take my shirt off, without making excuses for my condition! And now, with summer just around the corner, you can’t afford NOT to look good!

There are other reasons why staying lean is smart though, mainly when we focus on health.


Our joints are definitely going to be healthier if we don’t carry bad weight around for years, which so many people do. As we age, there is a bigger risk of developing joint problems and we even see people lose mobility. Often, if they just got lean and stayed there, it would really change their life.

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The heart’s job is to pump blood around the body, and when there is a lot of body fat it usually means that your arteries will clog up, which means it has to work harder to distribute blood around the body.

By being lean, it usually (there are exceptions) means your diet and lifestyle is healthy, which often has a direct correlation with keeping your cardiac health up.


One of the places toxins accumulate in the body are fat cells, which means those who have a lot more body fat have the capacity to hold on to more harmful toxins. This is one of the reasons why overweight people struggle to stay healthy. Getting lean means you are also helping your body stay healthy internally!

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