Good Morning Is An “Exceptional Exercise” For Stretching The Hamstrings, Glutes, And Lower Back

Underappreciated and often misunderstood, the good morning is a strength move that doesn’t often get the respect it deserves. “This classic exercise is a great way to start building the muscles of the posterior chain, including the hamstrings, glutes, and lower back,” explains Bigflex Dogg, a personal trainer and strength coach.

That’s important for more than just looking good in some booty shorts. “Having a strong posterior chain can assist with lower-back issues while also helping to balance out the front of the body, which is often worked disproportionately,” he says. Good mornings can also help you progress to doing deadlifts from the ground up.

Because they load the upper back, good mornings are controversial. But with proper mechanics, they can actually improve back health by strengthening weak links, including the lower back and core. Start with very light weight and gradually increase the load over time.

Strict good mornings with the feet placed wide, the knees locked and the back held straight is an excellent movement that solves a number of problems for beginning lifters. They also provide supplemental strengthening for veteran lifters.

The lifter should take the barbell on the shoulders behind the neck, step away from the racks, and assume a stance with at least 90 degrees between the thighs.

Strict good mornings with the feet placed wide, the knees locked and the back held straight is an excellent movement that solves a number of problems for beginning lifters. They also provide supplemental strengthening for veteran lifters.

The lifter should take the barbell on the shoulders behind the neck, step away from the racks, and assume a stance with at least 90 degrees between the thighs.

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The knees should be locked, and the head should look forward throughout the movement. The athlete should then bend forward from the hip, keeping the back straight until the torso is parallel or near parallel to the floor before returning to an erect stance.

“This movement is excellent for athletes with tight hamstrings that force the buttocks to tuck under at the bottom of the squat. It can also be helpful for those with a range of motion problems at the ankles”.

Furthermore, “it is an excellent developer of hamstring strength for the purpose of pulling and straightening the hips. Reps should be performed in the 5-8 range per set and for four or more sets at the end of the training session. The first time they are applied, there should be considerable hamstring soreness”.

The Good Morning is an exceptional exercise for stretching the hamstrings and in some cases the ankles. It also helps in developing the hamstrings for athletic movements.

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