The “best scientifically proven 2 Shoulder Routines” To Get Insane And Crazy Shoulder Workout Pump

Building massive, defined shoulders is a dream for many gym-goers. The shoulders contribute significantly to a well-balanced upper body, and a good pump during your workout can be a fantastic motivator. But achieving that “crazy pump” requires strategic exercise selection and training principles backed by science.

Want a bigger upper body that catches anyone’s attention in the street, gym, and beach? Craving those V-taper aesthetics? Both goals demand building big shoulders.

Your shoulders are already working all day long, helping you do everything from brushing your teeth to shooting hoops to driving to work. So you’ve got to work them hard with the best shoulder exercises to get them to hear the message to grow! These insane-friendly shoulder workouts will do just that.

Each workout here combines the best shoulder exercises like presses and raises with just enough intensity and volume to build 3D delts. With a growth-focused approach to nutrition and supplementation, these workouts will deliver serious size and surprising strength gains.

If you’re trying to get that sculptured and shredded upper body, you must have well-developed shoulder muscles. Having lean, cut, and thick shoulder muscles will give you that v-shape physique that every bodybuilder is looking for. The good news here? Finding the best shoulder workout, to build bigger shoulders takes just minutes a week.

“Almost all serious bodybuilders will admit that big robust shoulders make the most important contribution towards how your upper body looks”.

Your shoulder muscles are essentially divided into three parts, the front ( anterior ), the middle ( medial ), and the back ( posterior ). These three muscles are accountable for all rotational movements made by your arms.

Now it is possible to exercise all 3 parts of your shoulder muscles with only 2 different exercises, a shoulder raise, and an overhead press.

The biggest thing to remember here is that the one exercise that’s most difficult for building bigger shoulders is the overhead press. The stimulating and powerful overhead press exercise can’t be matched as far as effectiveness. It is better to use a dumbbell for the overhead press but a barbell will work as well but is not as effective.

“Using dumbbells gives you an even shoulder workout because one of your shoulders cannot cheat and compensate for the other one. The full stress and stimulation are on the shoulders rather than on the upper chest as with the barbells”.

When you are doing your overhead press with dumbbells make sure the seat has a back for support. Press up the dumbbells all the way up to the ceiling just shy of locking your elbows. When you lower the weights, bring them back down only to shoulder level and then back up again.

This next shoulder exercise is named the side lateral raise. This works the medial head of the shoulder muscle. This is going to be the best shoulder workout for widening our upper body and giving you that v-shape.

Here’s how to do that shoulder workout. Stand with your knees shoulder length apart and a touch bent. Grab a pair of dumbbells with your palms facing inward. Keep your arms a little bent as well. Raise your arms to your shoulder level and then back down again.

These two exercises will give you the best shoulder workout ever. “It’s important to remember that there isn’t any need for lots of other shoulder exercises. These 2 will give you the most bang for your buck as far as strength and size go”.

Many of us forget that our shoulders get worked as a side-product of many of the other exercises we’re doing at the gymnasium. What has a tendency to happen is that they overwork their shoulder muscles and obstruct their progress as a result.

There’s no need to isolate the anterior or posterior shoulder muscles. “The explanation is that the anterior muscles get stimulated while doing bench press exercises while the posterior shoulder muscles get stimulated while doing seated rows for your back”.

Shoulder muscles respond more to the standard of the workout rather than the quantity. Make sure to remember that.

Here are a pair of routines that may give you the best shoulder workout ever.

This article dives into two scientifically proven shoulder routines designed to maximize muscle growth and pump. We’ll explore the science behind each routine and provide detailed exercise breakdowns to get you started.

The Science of Shoulder Pumps

A pump, also known as muscle congestion, occurs when blood flow increases within the working muscle, delivering oxygen and nutrients. This creates a feeling of fullness and tightness in the muscle. Several factors contribute to a good pump:

  • Metabolic Stress: Exercises that create high metabolic stress, like high reps with moderate weight, encourage the production of metabolites (byproducts of energy production). These metabolites can create a burning sensation and contribute to the pump.
  • Stretch-Shortening Cycle: Exercises that involve a full range of motion, including both lengthening (eccentric) and shortening (concentric) contractions, maximize muscle fiber recruitment and pump potential.
  • Blood Flow Restriction: While not recommended for beginners, advanced lifters may explore blood flow restriction (BFR) techniques involving restricting blood flow during exercises. This can enhance growth factors and pump effects.

Routine 1: High-Volume Pump & Growth

This routine prioritizes high volume training with moderate weights to maximize metabolic stress and pump. It incorporates a variety of exercises to target all three heads of the deltoid (anterior, lateral, and posterior) and incorporates supersets for added intensity.

Warm-up (5-10 minutes): Light cardio followed by dynamic stretches focusing on the shoulders and rotator cuff.


  • Superset:
    • Dumbbell Arnold Press (3 sets of 12-15 reps) – Targets all three deltoid heads with a focus on the anterior delt.
    • Cable Lateral Raise (3 sets of 12-15 reps) – Isolates the lateral delt with a full range of motion.
  • Rest: 60 seconds
  • Barbell Overhead Press (seated or standing) (3 sets of 8-12 reps): Compound exercise for overall shoulder development.
  • Rest: 90 seconds
  • Superset:
    • Face Pull (3 sets of 15-20 reps) – Targets the posterior delt and rotator cuff muscles for improved posture and shoulder stability.
    • Dumbbell Front Raise (palms facing up) (3 sets of 10-12 reps) – Emphasizes the anterior delt with a different movement pattern.
  • Rest: 60 seconds

Cool-down (5-10 minutes): Static stretches targeting the shoulders, chest, and triceps.

Science Behind Routine 1:

  • This routine utilizes moderate weight with high reps, a scientifically proven method for muscle hypertrophy (growth).
  • Supersets create minimal rest periods, further amplifying metabolic stress and pump.
  • The exercise selection includes compound movements (overhead press) and isolation exercises (lateral raise, front raise) for a well-rounded workout.

Routine 2: Heavy Weight & Strength Focus

This routine focuses on heavier weights and lower reps to stimulate strength gains and muscle growth alongside a pump. It emphasizes compound movements for overall shoulder development.

Warm-up (5-10 minutes): Identical to Routine 1.


  • Barbell Military Press (standing) (4 sets of 6-8 reps): This compound exercise hits all three deltoid heads and core for maximum strength development.
  • Rest: 2 minutes
  • Dumbbell Incline Press (3 sets of 8-10 reps): Targets the upper portion of the anterior delt with a unilateral (one arm at a time) movement pattern.
  • Rest: 90 seconds
  • Seated Cable Reverse Fly (3 sets of 10-12 reps): Isolates and strengthens the posterior delt for improved posture and shoulder health.
  • Rest: 60 seconds
  • Dumbbell Upright Row (strict form) (3 sets of 10-12 reps): Targets the traps and medial delt while emphasizing proper form to avoid shoulder impingement.
  • Rest: 60 seconds

Cool-down (5-10 minutes): Identical to Routine 1.

Science Behind Routine 2:

  • Heavy weight (lifting 80-85% of 1 rep max) with lower reps (6-8) is a scientifically proven method for strength gains, which can indirectly contribute to muscle growth later.

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Additional Shoulder exercises

Shoulder exercise routine 1:

Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press two sets of 5-7 reps

Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals 1-2 sets of 10-12 reps

Since I know you will potentially continue doing isolation exercises for the anterior and posterior heads for awhile, take a look at the following routine.

Shoulder Routine 2:

Standing Dumbbell Side Laterals 1-2 sets of 10-12 reps

Seated Rear Lateral Dumbbell Raise one set of 10-12 reps

Standing Front Dumbbell Raise 1 set of 10-12 reps

Seated Overhead Dumbbell Press 2 sets of 5-7 reps

That shoulder workout is really all you will ever need right there!

This isn’t a time to slack. You want to push it to total muscle failure if you want to see results. Make sure that you cannot do another rep without messing up your form. Also, make efforts to keep your progress in a logbook to track progress and results. Remember what gets tracked gets measured.

More About Shoulder exercises Contents

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