Elyden Ulloa

Elyden Ulloa is a former ESPN journalist with over 10 years of sports content writing experience and a dedicated year in news editing. She has ISSA certification and She works as a personal trainer for years.

The “5 Best Glutes Exercises And Strategies” To Turn A Flat Butt Into A Rounded And Muscular Butt Forever

Glute workouts may once have been the go-to for every woman's instant butt lift, but now they're now the preferred exercise for women who...

What “Type Of Ingredients And Nutritional Information” Should You Be Looking For In A Healthy And Effective Energy Drink To Boost Your Focus?

Summer is here, and many of us are itching to get back outside to walk, run, and play our way back into a fitness...

Scientific Studies Reveal “That Lifting Weights Offers No Benefit At All” Over Simply Lowering Them

Lifting Weights can help you manage or lose weight, and it can increase your metabolism to help you burn more calories. Lifting Weights may...

Researchers Revealed “The Benefits, Nutritional Value, And The Best Healthy Recipes” Of Orange Juice

Orange juice is a favorite beverage high in antioxidants and micronutrients like vitamin C, folate, and potassium. Regular consumption has been associated with several...

Science Reveals “That Women Prefer Strong Men” Over Weak Men. So You’d Better Polish Up Your Pecs

Researchers asked 160 women to rate the attractiveness of headless male torsos and every single woman chose the stronger men over the weak. Some women...

Elyden Ulloa

Elyden Ulloa is a former ESPN journalist with over 10 years of sports content writing experience and a dedicated year in news editing. She has ISSA certification and She works as a personal trainer for years.